2 Day Drum Clinic With Chris Adler

Get ready for the experience of a lifetime. Spend 2 days with the legendary drummer Chris Adler, learning the art of drumming. This two day clinic will include topics on playing, performance, technique, style, translation, adapting and more. Whether you're a professional or a hobbyist, you are surely going to take away a lot from it. Not only will you get to witness and learn, there will also be additional listening sessions, q&a sessions, guidance on drum kit selection, set up. And yes, that is not all ! In this clinic, Chris will also share his life journey, experiences & his insight on the music industry, touring experiences.


The Drum Clinic is scheduled on 22nd and 23rd November. Here's how smoothly we've planned it out for you :


Day 1 - 21st November - You arrive by 5pm at the location and rest for the day at the accommodation we provide. You will be served dinner at our cafeteria.


Day 2 - 22nd November :


Drum Clinic Start time : 11am

Lunch break : 1 -2 pm

End of Drum Clinic on day 1 : 4:00 Pm


Day 3 - 23rd November :


Drum Clinic Start time : 11am

Lunch break : 1 -2 pm

End of Drum Clinic on day 1 : 4:30 Pm


Day 4 - 24th November:


Breakfast : 9am

Departure: 11am. You go back with an awesome experience, one of a kind, once in a lifetime!

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  • Start Date: November 22, 2019 11:00:00
  • End Date: November 23, 2019 16:30:00
  • Type: Promotional
  • Location: Chennai
  • Category: Concerts
  • Organizer : Gravity Talent
  • Address: Swarnabhoomi Academy of Music NCTPL, Multi Services SEZ, Seekinankuppam Village Koovathur Way, Cheyyur Taluk, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 603305

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