Aesculapia was the name of the Annual Social of Medical College Kolkata from 1947 to 2002. After that the fest came to be known as Rhapsody, pushing Aesculapia into the depths of Oblivion. Now the phoenix stands resurgent from the ashes of oblivion.
This year, like last year, Aesculapia stands resurgent from the ashes in a new form, as a one of its kind pan-department Academic Fest of India, encompassing all disciplines of Medicine and Surgery.
Before you today stands a different Aesculapia, being in the same fervor and heart, varying in approach. Aesculapia promises to be the first Medical Academic Fest of its kind, encompassing all disciplines of Medicine & Surgery while serving not only to educate but to illuminate and inspire. Aesculapia promises to be a pan department endeavor to bring the cutting edge of research and its culture to the horizon of the MBBS Student.
Aesculapia is a three-day medical convention comprising platforms for both Undergraduate and Postgraduate students and will serve as a forum for the participation of doctors nationwide. With this event, we aspire to bring the entire medical fraternity closer and allow inquisitive minds to blossom further. We also are trying to foster the research mindset within the medical students at large, a trend that is proving to find more important as we go forward. It is meant to be solely an academic and educational convention.
The organizing panel consists of the Principal as the Honorary President and Dean of Students' Affairs (of Medical College Kolkata) as Chairperson of Aesculapia 2019.
This Academic Convention will comprise of:
1. Academic Sessions on various interesting and research topics of medical science.
2. Workshops
3. Clinical case presentation.
4. Poster presentation
5. Clinical quiz
6. B. C. Roy memorial debate
7. Panel discussion
AESCULAPIA, promises to be a one of its kind Medical Convention in Eastern India. We, the Medical College and Hospital, Kolkata, being Asia's oldest medical College, would like to change the current trend by spreading medical science beyond the limits of bookish knowledge.
20294 total visits
- Start Date: September 09, 2019 09:00:00
- End Date: September 11, 2019 18:00:00
- Type: Promotional
- Location: Kolkata
- Category: Events
- Organizer : y Medical College Kolkata
- Address: Medical College Kolkata 88, College St, Calcutta Medical College, College Square, Kolkata, West Bengal 700073, India