Event on 2 days : 5th and 6th October 2019.
Here are reasons why you must choose to enjoy Carnival Dandiya Weekend.
- Pool Dandiya
- Pool Party
- Rain Dance
- Bullock Cart Rides
- Dance Performances
- Live Food Counters
- Kids Zone
- Flea Market
- Garba & Dandiya Workshop
- Aqua Garba & Dandiya Workshop
393 total visits
- Start Date: October 05, 2019 08:00:00
- End Date: October 06, 2019 23:30:00
- Type: Paid
- Location: Pune
- Category: Dandiya
- Organizer : The Merakianz
- Address: Orchard Resort, Khed Shivapur Pune-Satara Highway, Village Kelawade, 5 kms ahead of KhedShivapur Toll Plaza. Near Reliance Petrol Pump