We are Organize DANDIYA VIBES 2k19 Event at Aher lawns chinchwad .celebrities artist, musician, Bands and singer , will be performing at the punes Biggest Dandiya festival "DANDIYA VIBES 2K19" on 4,5,6th OCT,2019. 6pm Onwords.
In case of Rain, the people will be shifted to Indoor Venue
Kids, under 5 yrs FREE
Special Kids Zone
Family Friendly
358 total visits
- Start Date: October 04, 2019 18:00:00
- End Date: October 06, 2019 23:00:00
- Type: Paid
- Location: Pune
- Category: Dandiya
- Organizer : Media 4
- Address: Aher Garden, Walhekarwadi Main Road, Chinchwade Nagar, Chinchwad,