Find Your Modus Operandi

Modus Operandi (MO) is a latin phrase which means, Mode of Operation- the way you behave and operate in your day-to-day life. Do you know your daily working habits/actions can break or make important things in your life, career, and relationships, drastically?


Ever wondered why do you behave the way you do? Do you know your daily Mode of Operation? Do you know it can impact your growth and success? Do you know it can be a major reason for your failure?


In this seminar, find all about it and know the secret formula of Modus Operandi (MO) only for your speedy growth and success.


At this seminar, you'll learn:


1. Practical techniques and tactics to find your Mode of Operation

2. Nature of your MO- Positive or Negative, and take necessary actions.

3. Techniques to overcome a negative MO and adopt a positive MO. 



About Priya Dalvi :


Priya is a passionate writer, speaker, and blogger. She is popularly known for her book, What About Passion? which is a recipient of Asia Inspiration Award at the South Asian Youth Summit, 2018. Priya helps her followers grow by sharing stories she has experienced and explored. Priya’s upcoming seminar “Find Your MODUS OPERANDI” will make people aware about the fact that one’s daily working habits and actions can break or make important things in life, career, and relationships. The seminar provokes one to take necessary actions required for growth and success.



Priya discovered her passion for writing while working in a software corporate and began blogging for leisure, and apparently set aboard on writing her first book, What About PASSION? What About PASSION? has gained huge acclaim from youth and passion seekers across country. It was also recognised by Herald, The Navhind Times, Tarun, Bharat, Lokmat and more. At the South Asian Youth Summit (2018), Priya was one among the few Indian young representatives and a speaker.


Priya is a founder of Write to Express- A writing masterclass exclusive for beginners across India. Priya has also been invited by various educational institutions, youth gatherings, talks, for her unique way of interaction and storytelling. Her talks profoundly revolve around helping individuals enhance quality of their lives, identify their areas of interests and follow it, and more. She has addressed and inspired over thousands of people across age-groups across the country and abroad.

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  • Start Date: August 10, 2019 10:00:00
  • End Date: August 10, 2019 13:00:00
  • Type: Promotional
  • Location: Goa
  • Category: Workshops
  • Organizer : Priya Dalvi
  • Address: Goa Chamber Of Commerce & Industry Goa Chamber Of Commerce & Industry, 2nd Floor, Goa Chamber Building, Opposite Azad Maidan, Panaji, Goa 403001

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