Controversial Comedy Show is a Stand Up Comedy Show night presented by Ink-A-Laugh.
This time we have Rajeev Nigam renowned comic known for his Political satire style.
Come and join the best in the business along with upcoming comics whose aim is to make you laugh!
They say "The most wasted of all days is a day without laughter"
So come for laughter filled Tuesday
Also you get Rs 160 cover for whatever you like on the menu!!!
354 total visits
- Start Date: May 14, 2019 21:00:00
- End Date: May 14, 2019 22:30:00
- Type: Paid
- Location: Mumbai
- Category: Comedy
- Organizer : Ink-A-Laugh
- Address: Shop 3/4, Opposite Marin Vue Building J.P.Road, Near Municipal Garden, Versova, Andheri West, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400061