One On One With The MONK & Master The Key To Mental Vomit - ANGER

About the Event


Anger is nothing but a mental vomit. The vomit if swallowed within burns you and if vomited on loved ones disturb loved ones. It creates a chain of reactions around us. Anger needs energy, it is like fighting against the stream.  You must have eaten something so many times which is not digested by your body but accepted by your body you want to throw it immediately. Anger is also like that undigested food which needs to be thrown out immediately before it decays and spoils your peace and joy. Using your energy rightly and productively even if its negative energy is a creation of the heart. Venting out the anger rightly and emptying yourself without polluting your environment is a Key to Managing Anger.


Learn the Key to the Mental Vomit Anger by meeting our Monk and venting out the anger more musically, rhythmically and enjoying the bliss within!! Transform the Anger Energy to Compassionate Energy and Be in Bliss !!


Fees : RS 3000 per person


Prior appointment is compulsory.


Duration: 1 hour. 


This is a one to one 1 hour session and keys and customized solutions will be given. 

Sachin the Mystic Monk

We never really know what we are made of until we are tested in the fierce fire of life's difficulties. All our theories and speculations, opinions and projections on what we will do may account for very little in the final analysis. Grounded preparation and experience may help, they could very well be our saviors, but until the moment comes and we feel the full force of the storm we will never know.


From childhood, an urge to explore, create and connect to the universe was a passion which gave birth to the mystic Sachin.


Sachin a mystic with the blessings from the Supreme has been experiencing the mystical powers within him since he was 12 years old. His mystical experiences make him swim in delight with the challenges of his day to day life and through that, he has attained for living a blissful life.  He has the blessings of God and his energy vibrations have created miracles for him. With his experiences and practices, he has designed the processes which help one understand the Being and feel the power of you. The only prayer he believes is the prayer of Love and through which one can attain the Blissfulness and Lovingness for self and all. His talks and processes will let you know how you can be your OWN LIFE COACH and be free from the obstacles that the Mind creates for Growth and Divinity.


Meditating silently is what most of us cannot do, as the mind keeps chattering and refrains us from getting into a meditative state. Through his techniques one can be meditative in every moment and understand meditation is not about doing it is just about being in it.


Let's meet and You can Talk out Your Heart and Know the Key you have within to get through the Challenges of Life !!

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  • Start Date: September 22, 2019 18:00:00
  • End Date: September 22, 2019 21:00:00
  • Type: Promotional
  • Location: Mumbai
  • Category: Events
  • Organizer : Blissfullife
  • Address: The Ripple Effect Office A-211, Simplex Khush Angan, S V Road, Opp Petrol Pump, Vijaykar Wadi, Malad West, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400064, India

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