One Stroke Painting Workshop

One Stroke Painting is a technique of painting where a brush is loaded with two or more colors to blend the paint, produce the highlight, body color and shadow of the object being painted.




Though the brush carries more than one color, it takes only 'One Stroke' of the brush to paint complicated shading, giving depth and beauty to the design.


One need not know how to draw, but can still create beautiful paintings by learning how to load the brush with paint, understanding how much pressure to apply for each brush stroke and practicing the desired design.


Participants will practice the techniques on the OHP sheet and on one printed stroke sheet. The final painting will be made by participants on A4 ivory paper and on a greeting card. All materials required for the workshop will be provided. 

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  • Start Date: November 30, 2019 14:00:00
  • End Date: November 30, 2019 17:00:00
  • Type: Paid
  • Location: Bangalore
  • Category: Workshops
  • Organizer : The Circular Square
  • Address: The Circular Square - Bengaluru 24, Doddakalansandra Gubbalala Gate, Next To Lakshmi Vilas Bank, Navaratan Gardens, Konanakunte, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560062, India

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