Oscines Silent DIsco Dandiya 2019

In the season of Navratri festival, Oscines Silent Disco brings you dandiya nights with Silent Garba theme, first so ever in Chennai powered with Bollywood dandiya songs mix, you can enjoy with your partners and friends in the most amazing atmosphere with LED silent disco headset and celebrate life in an eco-friendly and cooler way of playing Garba and Dandiya. Oscines Silent disco is a genius idea help in reducing the noise pollution level and at the same time enjoy the beats at the fullest in HD Hi-Fi LED Headset.


How it works: When you arrive you’ll receive a pair of special Hi-Fi HD LED wireless headphones. You can adjust the volume and choose between up the different channels with the flick of a switch. Each headset has a colour LED that shows what channel you are listening to. It’s super social and you’re in control of the music! There’s no loud music that you have to talk over. Plus, there’s no ringing in your ears when you leave!

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  • Start Date: September 30, 2019 17:30:00
  • End Date: October 06, 2019 18:30:00
  • Type: Promotional
  • Location: Chennai
  • Category: Dandiya
  • Organizer : Oscines Innovations
  • Address: Dark Hall, Okkiyumpettai 5/342C, Indira Nagar, Thoraipakkam, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600097, India

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