Tribute to Backstreet Boys & MLTR Ft Showcase
Hip Hop, Pop, Rock | English | 21yrs + | 2hrs
Everybody knows and loves the Backstreet Boys & MLTR ... and we mean EVERYBOOOOOOODY.
We know you grew up listening to them, you might have had their posters on your college dorm rooms, and you`ve DEFINITELY performed "I want it that way" on karaoke nights. If this was you, we promise to rock your body right (did you sing that last part? Yeah, you did!)
`If Blues had a baby, they would name it Rock `N` Roll,` thats the funda the band believes in and that`s what they are planning to bring to Hard Rock Cafe, as a tribute to Michael Learns To Rock (MLTR) and Backstreet Boys,
That`s right, all your favourite songs by rockstars from SHOWCASE band will be performed, accompanied by delicious drinks and food. See you there!
523 total visits
- Start Date: May 27, 2023 21:00:00
- End Date: May 27, 2023 11:00:00
- Type: Promotional
- Location: Bangalore
- Category: Events
- Organizer :
- Address: Hard Rock Cafe: Bangalore